Authors and Citation
Fabien Girka. Author.
Etienne Camenen. Author.
Caroline Peltier. Author.
Arnaud Gloaguen. Author.
Vincent Guillemot. Author.
Laurent Le Brusquet. Thesis advisor.
Arthur Tenenhaus. Author, thesis advisor, maintainer.
Source: inst/CITATION
Girka F, Camenen E, Peltier C, Gloaguen A, Guillemot V, Le Brusquet L, Tenenhaus A (????). RGCCA: Regularized and Sparse Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis for Multiblock Data. R package version 3.0.3,
@Manual{, title = {{RGCCA}: Regularized and Sparse Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis for Multiblock Data}, author = {Fabien Girka and Etienne Camenen and Caroline Peltier and Arnaud Gloaguen and Vincent Guillemot and Laurent {Le Brusquet} and Arthur Tenenhaus}, note = {R package version 3.0.3}, url = {}, }